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The Conversation Signs She Likes You That Guys Need To Spot

5. She faces you in a group conversation

In a group conversation, she has the choice to turn her body towards anyone. If she’s facing you, that’s a subtle indicator of interest.

6. When someone tells a joke, she turns to see your reaction

This is a classic human psychology tip. When there’s a joke made in a group setting, it’s believed we instinctively turn towards who we like the most to see their reaction.

7. She plays with her hair

Another classic tip from the world of mainstream dating advice. Apparently, women play with their hair around men they’re attracted to catch their attention, reveal more of their face and neck…and of course to show off their sexy hair.

8. She crosses her legs

When a woman is standing crossing her legs, that’s an indication that she doesn’t plan to walk away soon. Another sign that she’s highly invested in what you have to say.

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