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20 Warning Signs Your Liver Sends You

Your liver does a lot for your health. As one of the body’s largest organs, it’s responsible for metabolic functions like converting nutrients from your diet so your body can use them and making sure toxic substances are flushed out before they cause any harm, according to the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care. But when your liver is in trouble and not functioning properly, there are a handful of ways it tries to tell you that something is wrong. Because it is so crucial that you don’t ignore these hints, however subtle they may be, and maintain your health during these unprecedented times, here are 20 liver warning signs you should be on the lookout for.

1You have little to no appetite.

Lonely redhead woman sitting at dining table and thinking of something.

You used to chow down like you were in a food competition, and now you’re never hungry. So what gives? According to the Mayo Clinic, one of the most common signs of liver damage is a loss of appetite, making your non-existent hunger pangs something to be wary of.

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