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30 Important Signs That May Indicate A Heart Attack

Open Wounds On The Feet

Open wounds should always be treated as they can become infected quickly. Care should be taken if the wounds or ulcers do not heal on their own or are difficult to heal. This can be a sign of aorto-iliac disease. It is a blockage of the aorta. This disease can lead to ischemia, which means a decrease in blood and oxygen supply to tissues. This can result in tissue death and, in the worst case, loss of a limb.

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Pain In The Toes

Toe pain may seem harmless at first, but it is not. If you have pain in your toes when you are resting and it is definitely not due to tight shoes, then you should get to the bottom of the cause. It can also be a sign of aortoiliac occlusive disease. The best thing is to clarify the symptoms with the doctor and rule out a heart problem. This is the only way to treat a serious illness in time.

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